Decision Intelligence

Bringing together AI and advanced data technologies to improve complex decision making at scale.

We see it as the key to unlocking value for your business.

Who uses Decision Intelligence?

Your leadership

Decision Intelligence for your leadership means more contextualized and connected decisions, which can be made quickly and with clear evidence.

Your team

Decision Intelligence for your team means greater collaboration and “an unbroken chain of why” that links business outcomes to the work you have to deliver.

Your customer

Decision Intelligence for your customers means you are anticipating their needs and responding with tailored solutions.

Why do you need Decision Intelligence?

A recent study of 2,300 companies worldwide showed that companies that are embracing this latest wave of digital transformation are gaining 1.8 times higher earnings and 2.4 times higher growth in total enterprise value compared with those who are not.

The vast majority of business processes today are operated by humans. In the not-very-distant future, almost all business processes and operations will be heavily augmented, or even operated entirely, by machines, many of which will be running AI algorithms and being informed by Decision Intelligence.

Gartner identified Decision Intelligence as one of 2022's top 12 strategic tech trends; they expect that over a third of large organisations will be practising DI within two years.

Can you afford to miss out on the opportunity to implement and future-proof your decision making?

Being able to model scenarios, predict outcomes and understand how to utilize Artificial Intelligence and data science is valuable. Democratizing access to insights via an intelligence platform effectively brings a world of previously unusable or difficult to access data to your users’ fingertips.

It’s important to note that Decision Intelligence is not about replacing humans, or taking them out of the decision making process. DI is about empowerment. Putting the tools and analysis in place to gather, analyze and understand the data in order to empower decision makers.

How does Decision Intelligence differ from Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning?

Decision Intelligence is the practical application of AI and ML insights and discoveries to your business decision making process. It is defined by its focus on outcomes. An AI solution can only be classified as DI if it demonstrates that it has a tangible ROI in a business. This focus on outcomes is important as currently approximately 90% of investments in artificial intelligence built by businesses fail to move beyond a pilot phase.

We have designed and built our Mosaic Decision Intelligence platform to avoid the common issues that result in projects failing. Issues such as data access, security and usability. Visual based insights are all carefully crafted in our platform to accelerate adoption by our customers' users.

The applications we deploy on Mosaic are designed to help you make data driven decisions, faster and more accurate than ever before. 

Decision Intelligence

How to get started with Decision Intelligence

Our approach combines ways of working, data science and technology across five phases:

  1. Mobilize. Define goals and specific use cases. Our deployment strategist will work with you to understand your objectives, help you build the business case for investment and mobilize stakeholders. They will be your partner throughout the entire process and help to ensure the project remains focused on delivering tangible results.
  2. Explore. We will audit your data sources, incoming data flows from third parties, identify gaps and create your data fabric. Build proof of concept models to confirm use cases and test assumptions.
  3. Nurture. Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) to test business (and market) interest. Together we will build our understanding of the problem’s you are hoping to solve and how they evolve day by day. Building our MVP in this way forms a strong foundation for knowing where and how AI and ML models and algorithms can process your data to uncover hidden insight, surfacing the right data at the right time, every time. We will help you nurture your application and help the company prepare to scale.
  4. Scale-Up. Transform your MVP into an industrial grade Decision Intelligence Platform.
  5. Operate and evolve. Refine the models and maintain your data fabric, monitor user engagement and identify opportunities for improvements based on performance data.

The first step is always to start a conversation, if you would like to find out more about how this could be relevant to your business please get in touch with one or our team today.

We’ve already empowered decision makers here

  • Hatch
  • NZTC
  • Aggreko
  • Wood
  • unicef
  • MTVH
  • Wheatley
  • WGS
  • Noble & Co
  • Edrington
  • V.Ships
  • Invest Ottawa