Machine Learning

Algorithms and statistical models that improve task performance through experience and data, rather than explicit programming.

You have more data at your disposal than ever before; AI/ML modelling gives you the tools to convert that into a powerful source of new value.

There's more to it...

Anomaly Detection

We have developed Machine Learning algorithms to predict if a data point is outside the normal bounds concerning all the data features that determine ‘normality’ for that time slice of data. The model’s output is an alert that triggers every time there is a spiked anomaly or a pattern in the data that is atypical.

Auditing Model Bias

There is no off-the-shelf solution to combat bias. We work with your team to analyse all steps of a Machine Learning pipeline, from data analysis to training and evaluation, and devise an audit approach tailored to your project.

Predictive Modelling

Predictive modelling can become a cornerstone of our clients’ strategies as they are enabled, by our data science solutions, to make better-informed acquisition strategies, enhance customer experiences, and remove uncertainty from business decisions.


We build models directly on raw time series data or use more sophisticated and complex data (e.g. satellite imagery, weather forecasts etc.) that may influence your forecast. We train your models on historical data to ensure they are robust and accurately predict past behaviour.

Mosaic for ML

Our platform provides the backbone for end-to-end ML operations, managing the pipelines and the health of the models over time. We take care of the security of your data, the interconnected ecosystem of your micro models, production and deployment infrastructure and the interoperability with other source tools and open APIs. We are agnostic to the source of your model, from IBM Watson to Amazon SageMaker. Industry-standard tools like SparkML and Tensorflow underpin our platform.

We help you accelerate your models out of experimental test labs and into the real world of your business operations.